
Showing posts from December, 2020


Life being a gift from God, is the sum total of human existence. It is not given by the state (country) and as such, the state can only recognize and ensure that its existence is not impeded. Right to life is obviously the most fundamental of all human  rights because other human rights can only be exercised by a living being.  Today, we will be looking at police brutality, defence to property as an exception to the right to life and animal rights. Let’s get down to business guys!. Police Brutality & Right to life in Nigeria.  The Nigerian Police Force (NPF) upon its establishment in 1930, had as its motto: Police is your friend. This motto, I would dare say has long packed up and turned 'scrap' because the Nigerian Police has since become everything but our friend. Officers of the Nigerian Police Force have now become ' trigger-happy agents of destruction ' (that is of course to put it quite subtly). The special Anti Robbery Squad (SARS),  for example, sees ...

OPINION POLL ON ABORTION IN NIGERIA! Yesterday, I created a poll to determine people's opinion on abortion. My target was 100 people. Fortunately, I had 118 votes. Screen shots of the results are attached. Please note that this was just a survey carried out by me. Abortion is still illegal in Nigeria except where it is necessary for the preservation of the life of the mother. Thank you all for voting. You all are amazing!



Nigeria is a state rich in human resources, cultural diversity, religious animosity, electoral violence, corruption and such other favourable wahalas which stand Nigeria out amongst the good Nations of this world. (Sarcasm intended). But perhaps one other area which Nigeria has really stepped up its game and is working overtime on, is improvement in the manner, and increase in the number of human rights abuses daily. After the now celebrated “Lekki shooting,” we can agree that Nigeria has done enough to deserve recognition as a top human right abusing state. Kudos to us on this. On the other hand, so many Nigerians are either misinformed or not informed at all about their rights. In comes theblogspotwithfifi to see if she can help us in this regard. (That is if Nigerians will even read). This week laidis, we are very briefly considering issues which reasonably emerge from a discussion on human rights. These include the burning issue of capital punishment and euthanasia. Ngwanu lets di...

Happy International Human Rights Day!

This year’s Human Rights Day theme relates to the COVID-19 pandemic and focuses on the need to build back better by ensuring Human Rights are central to recovery efforts. We will reach our common global goals only if we are able to create equal opportunities for all, address the failures exposed and exploited by COVID-19, and apply human rights standards to tackle entrenched, systematic, and intergenerational inequalities, exclusion and discrimination.

Invitation to Lawgical Arena

I have been invited to give a talk on right to life this Sunday. This invitation is timely, considering the plans we have on The Human Project this month.  Please join the conversation @lawgical arena by 5pm on Sunday. Venue is Facebook live.  Thank you. 


WHAT IS RIGHT TO LIFE? The concept of right to life is the belief that a human being has the right to live and should not be killed by another entity whether individual or government.  The right to life is inalienable (cannot be taken away) and the government has the obligation to secure it. Human life is sacred and should not be taken away. It is based on the importance of the sanctity of human life that some countries have forbidden the death penalty, no matter the crime committed. The concept of right to life arises in debate on issues of capital punishment, war, abortion, euthanasia(mercy killing), self defense etc.  We will discuss them one after the other during the course of the month. WHY IS RIGHT TO LIFE SO IMPORTANT? In the first place, we can’t enjoy other rights if we are denied the right to life. Dead men don’t talk! The right to life is one of the most important fundamental rights and the government is charged with the responsibility to protect it. Every human li...