Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion.

Have you ever wondered whether the fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution apply to us at all as citizens of Nigeria, abi we are just walking around like zombies? I think about it a lot. Imagine the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; a very interesting concept, yet we cannot enjoy it. It’s either the government is clamping down on us, religious extremists think it’s their right to kill ‘infidels’, or trolls who have established their thrones on social media won’t let us be.

What does this right entail? To what extent can you exercise it? Who are the violators and how do they go about their evil ways?

The Constitution in section 38 (1) provides for secularity in Nigeria, guaranteeing the people’s right to religious freedom including freedom to change religion or belief and manifest and propagate one’s religion or belief in worship, teaching, practice and observance. So this right is in two aspects:

* The right to hold or change religious or other beliefs. This means you can be a Christian today and a Muslim or traditionalist tomorrow without having to explain yourself. This right is absolute and cannot be interfered with.
* The right to put your thoughts and beliefs into action (manifestation). This right is qualified and can be interfered with in some circumstances. 

The second aspect is our concern today - when can this right be interfered with? When does manifesting your thoughts and religion become a wahala for the rest of us? 

You must exercise this right in a manner that is consistent with the supremacy of the Constitution. No go disturb public peace sake of say you wan practice religion. No go kill innocent people in the name of jihad, claim say na Mohammed send you.

Remember late Eunice Olawale, a female preacher murdered while preaching in Kubwa, Abuja? I read about how she was brutally murdered by suspected Muslim extremists in 2016. I can’t imagine the trauma her family had to go through- her husband and seven kids. What right do you have to brutalize or kill someone because they manifested their religion?

Some of y’all have your churches in residential areas, right behind people’s windows. You hold fastings and prayers from Monday to Friday, then you round it up with vigil on Friday night. Saturday, your tone deaf choir will rehearse all day, then you top it up with divine service on Sunday. And your speakers are always positioned outside! No be better sound oh. Wack stuff! Do you have a conscience?

There has to be a balance Sir. Don’t be a nuisance while practicing your religion, and don’t take the law into your hands when someone disturbs you with their religion or thoughts. Channel your complaints through the right channel.

Section 45(1) of the Constitution provides that “nothing shall invalidate any law that is reasonable in a democratic society in the interest of defence, public safety, public order, public morality or public health; for the purpose of protecting the rights and freedoms of other persons”.
If the law catches up with you on genuine and reasonable grounds, there’s no need to cry foul. Oga, go and off your mic. Don’t disturb our peace. God bless you. And of course, if you kill someone and you’re caught, you will go in for it.

I will see you next week, when we will begin our discussion on how the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion has been violated in Nigeria. 


  1. I hope parents who won't let their adult children change church, talk very little about swapping beliefs or religion get to read this.
    Well done PhiPhi.

    1. Thank you so much. We will continue looking forward to positive changes.

  2. God bless you for this. Unfortunately, we are in a country where people don't listen or adhere to this law. There's too much noise everywhere from both churches and mosques, and we claim to be civil.

    1. Too much noise, Louis. Hopefully, they'll learn.

  3. WOW!! This is Mind Blowing, I have really learn so much already. Job well done D Bar. Looking forward for the discussion session next week!!!


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