What Crisis Demands of a Manager


It is not a secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on many businesses and educational institutions all over the world. Many companies have shut down and as a result, a good number of people have lost their means of livelihood. Some have managed to survive the wave, but their quality of delivery is poor compared to how it was before the pandemic. While many businesses are struggling, some others have embraced a whole new landscape of innovation which has helped them scale through the crisis successfully. In the words of Sarah Kirby, “those who fail to change will be left behind, exposing their employees to increased risk of financial distress, facing layoffs and closures.”[1] Some companies have even recorded their best numbers; COVID-19 has reinvented the future of work for managers who have taken the opportunity to do better. So why have so many failed and what can be done to fix it? Like Sam Adeyemi stated, “leadership remains the core catalyst for driving creativity and innovation in an organization.”[2] Therefore, the manager is expected to be a skilled improviser; the spunk that keeps the company’s fire burning, whatever the challenge may be, especially in situations of extreme difficulty. This essay examines the role of a manager in handling crisis by taking into account what I describe as “The Three Stages of Handling Crisis” which include: Shock Absorption, Continuity and Recovery.

I could not help but admire the way Centreville Office Support (Nigeria) Limited managed its business excellently in spite of the lockdown and restriction of movement in 2020. Centreville, a subsidiary of Kirkendall Dwyer LLP, is a rapidly growing outsourcing company with a home in the United States. The company employs paralegals in Nigeria who assist Kirkendall attorneys prepare their case files for hearing in America. In summary, they take the stress of research and preparation off the shoulders of Kirkendall attorneys. They also follow up on medical records of clients and run a call centre which maintains communications with clients. With a staff strength of about three hundred and fifty (350), you can imagine why I doff my hat for how well they have gotten their acts together and excelled in spite of the pandemic.

The first step Centreville took to save its ship from sinking was to absorb shock. Like everyone else, staff of the company were worried about their safety at work. The management gathered as much information as they could about the outbreak and how to stay safe. Hand sanitizers were positioned in every corner of the work space and nose masks were distributed to every staff. The HR team had a talk with the staff to help them see the brighter side of the situation and reassured them that the best way to stay safe was to observe safety protocol, and that being infected was not a death sentence if there was proper medical attention. This went a long way to protect against psychological and mental breakdown, which could have affected the quality of their work. Gradually, the panic reduced at work; people started getting comfortable with using nose masks, gloves and sanitizers. Employees willingly subjected themselves to testing to ensure their safety and that of their colleagues. Unfortunately, most companies failed to apply empathy in communicating with their staff when the shock of the pandemic first hit, as most managers do not understand what emotional intelligence means, talk more of how to apply it in their work. Most people suffered panic attacks while others resigned for fear of contacting the virus. Many have been out of work till date as they have not been able to secure new jobs. This has led to untold hardship and increase in crime rate. Companies need to look beyond educational qualifications when recruiting their staff, especially managers, and consider competence in soft skills such as emotional intelligence and ability to handle pressure. Successful establishments leverage on such skills to help them stand out in their performance and delivery.

The next step Centreville took towards beating the virus was to develop strategies to ensure that work continues, no one loses their job and their clients’ confidence in their ability to deliver remains unshaken. With the government declaring a total lockdown (except for essential services), and the fact that their office space was not big enough to allow for proper social distancing, the company had to introduce remote work. Apart from the uncertainties that came with the fact that working from home demanded proper monitoring to ensure that staff turned in their work on time, this also meant that there was no more free internet to work with. To fix this challenge, Centerville added an internet allowance of 30,000NGN to its staff’s pay check! For me, that was an incredibly sensitive step to take. No one had any excuse for not doing their job. With the unpredictable situation of internet services in Nigeria, staff were further advised to subscribe to multiple service providers in order to ensure continuous access to quality internet service to carry out their respective tasks without any hitch. The Human Resources team also put in place Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which featured time management and quality of work. This served as a target and a medium for ensuring that staff turned in their work on time and the quality of work delivered was top notch. Commendably, the HR put on a human face in monitoring these KPIs. If at the end of each week, a staff does not turn in his or her work, an opportunity is created for explanation and the team provides the necessary assistance for such staff. Defaulting staff were only to be laid off after defaulting on three consecutive occasions. Of course, no one failed thrice, and so far, no one has been laid off. Conversely, many companies in Nigeria, especially educational institutions, are not tech savvy. The majority do not work with computers and many others cannot afford tablets or android phones. There was no way students could attend classes from home and some companies could not afford remote work. As a result, too many lost their jobs and students were out of school. Students who ought to have graduated or progressed to a new class had to suffer delay. Schools have managed to resume in person classes, but some companies have been shut down permanently. The sad reality is that many lives have been adversely affected and the scar will be there for a long time. This is why it is important for every manager to put proper strategies in place to ensure continuity, especially for times of uncertainties such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Companies have been taking steps towards recovery, as the lockdown is gradually easing up and people are beginning to return to their regular activities. I recently chatted with Uche Okereke Esq, one of the managers of Centreville, to know how he assesses the damages incurred as a result of the pandemic and what steps the company was taking towards recovery. I was impressed when he said, “none at all. In fact, we have gained even more by working remotely because we have been able to save money that would have gone into cost of running the business such as diesel, stationeries, utility bills etc”.  I gathered that the company is considering permanent remote work, seeing how effective it has been. Only management staff work from the office and this does not happen every day of the week”. Can this be achieved in other Nigerian companies and schools? I doubt it. Most establishments have returned to regular office activities without putting in place adequate plans that will help them recover properly.  When some secondary schools managed to re-open to enable seniors take their WAEC examinations, it was sad to see that the government was not doing enough to protect students and staff in public schools by putting in place safety measures such as nose masks, sanitizers, gloves etc. People were exposed to the risk of being infected by the virus because they needed to be in school or keep their jobs. A few private schools did the best they could, but it was not enough. For companies, some have completely shut down since the pandemic, while a few others are still struggling to survive, counting their losses. There are possible steps these organizations could have taken to aid their recovery, which include: prioritizing people’s health and safety, ramping up digital transformation, seeking government and insurance support, documenting critical gaps and incorporating them into the next round of business continuity.  Unfortunately, their various managements were not proactive enough to think about these steps, hence their failure.

With all that has happened, the role of the younger generation in driving the change in order to secure the future of work cannot be overemphasized. Youth unemployment has remained high since the on-set of the pandemic. The traditional reliable pathways to permanent job are failing. It is difficult for young people to find work in their field of study or specialization, making education appear almost needless. As stated by Kate Torii and Megan O’Connell, “many young people are left behind, and this challenge will only intensify into the future.”[3] Generations to come will face a vastly different world of work to that of their predecessors as technology is rapidly disrupting how we live and work- many skills are being automated. Young people will need new skill sets to thrive in a technology-rich, globalized job market. The younger generation needs to adapt a technological approach to education in order to be properly equipped with the capabilities that will enable them scale through these complex education and employment settings. Knowing how to use technology must no longer remain the exclusive preserve of computer engineers or programmers; young people must open their minds, learn and adapt to new ways of doing things. This will keep them relevant in the job market, wherever they find themselves. Today, knowledge garnered through university education is no longer enough, talk more of the future. The youths must also focus on capacities to solve problems if they must succeed in the labour market. These skills can be learned, nurtured and developed over time. If this generation of digital natives take it upon themselves to develop these skills and change the “knowledge is enough” mindset, this trait will be passed on to future generations, which is an amazing way to prepare for and save the future of work!

It is obvious that the future of work is changing rapidly. Therefore, it is important to come to terms with the fact that the Covid-19 crisis might not be the last of its kind. Employers (companies, educational institutions, government agencies etc) have to align with the changing trend immediately, in order not to be left behind or pulled down by the wave. To achieve this, there are a number of actions that should be taken. First, up-skilling: managers need to put in place training programmes for the purpose of teaching employees additional skills in order to expand their capacities to handle their tasks effectively and build resilience in times of crisis. Secondly, it is important to foster digital literacy. This skill is not just a “nice to have” component for companies and educational institutions. It is a crucial necessity if a company is to scale through any crisis that requires staff to change their method of work. Companies that were fortunate to invest in technology are already reaping the benefits. Finally, it is important to look beyond educational qualifications as a major factor in recruiting new employees; soft skills are just as important. According to a recent LinkedIn Learning Report, resilience is at the top of a list of important skills. It is pertinent to target a workforce that can think quickly on their feet, scale through obstacles, and can be proactive rather than reactive in the face of challenges. It took the Covid-19 pandemic for companies to realize that it is no longer business as usual, and that as we make our way into the next normal world of work, upskilling and reskilling are essential. Again, the pandemic has shown us that many businesses and institutions are inadequately prepared for cultural and demographic change. We have the opportunity to create an equal and inclusive future for everyone, now that we have learnt the lesson. The time is now for managers to re-imagine the workplace for the post-pandemic era and in preparation of any challenge that might hit the world in the future. I completely agree with the following quote by Paul Hawken, that “good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them”.

[2] https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2021/02/22/seven-steps-for-fostering-innovation-in-your-organization/?sh=2495018d392c

[3] Torii, K. and O’Connell, M. (2017). Preparing Young People for the Future of Work. Policy Roundtable Report. Mitchell Report No. 01/2017. https://core.ac.uk


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